Thursday, September 11, 2008

Sept - Beginners Class

Rumba Routine
  1. Box
  2. Underarm Turn
  3. Rumba Walks
  4. 5th Position Breaks
  5. Cross Box Lead
  6. Open Break
  7. Alternating Underarm Turns
  8. Box
  9. Promenade Swivels
  10. Cuddle Wrap & Sweetheart
  • Use the balls of the feet (1st thing on the floor w/ toes & last thing off)

Waltz Routine
  1. Box
  2. Underarm Turn
  3. 4 Progressive Basics
  4. 4 Point Hesitations
  5. Turning Box
  6. Face to Face & Back to Back

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Allyson Lockhart