Sunday, September 14, 2008

Ballroom Dance Position

Start - stand facing each other aka square (even though you'll be positioned off center)


Stand with feet together, straight posture, head & chin up with the arms to the sides. Offer the follow to set into dance position by extending the left arm to offer the left hand. Raise the right arm up and open. As the follow steps into dance position, continue to raise the left hand up to the eye level of the follow and close the right arm just below the follow's left shoulder blade. Keep the elbows back at an even, elevated position.

Note: The follow is to be positioned on the lead's right side. The lead's left foot should be slightly on the outside of the follow's right foot/leg to provide individual tracks to dance on.


Stand with feet together in front of the lead. As the lead offers the follow to step into dance position, the follow will accept the offer by placing the right hand into the lead's left, step forward (as many as necessary to get close, usually up to about three steps) ending with the weight on the left foot, raise the left arm so the lead can close up the position and drag in the right foot keeping the weight off of it (keeping it free to enable it to move quickly). Remember to remain off center to the lead favoring the side with the hand on the back (the follow's left). The follow should be able to look over the lead's right actual shoulder (not nose to nose). This means the follow's left foot will be on the outside of the lead's right foot.

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Allyson Lockhart