Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Kick Ball Change

Take 30 seconds each day to practice your Kick-Ball-Change action. Remember to switch up the starting foot. Try ending with the feet together and then try practicing a Kick-Ball-Step action. If you do this just a little bit every day, you'll have it down in no time.


Kick-Ball-Change (R-L-R) 1 ah 2
- kick out right foot (gently and keep it close to the floor) bring it back - place weight onto the ball of right foot on the floor next to the left foot - then quickly change weight to your left foot. *This action almost feels like a limp.

Kick-Ball-Step (R-L-R) 1 ah 2- kick out right foot (gently and keep it close to the floor) bring it back - place weight onto the ball of right foot on the floor next to the left foot - then quickly step forward with left foot and change weight. Use the "ball" action as a catapult to achieve desired amount of power to step forward by pushing down while stepping onto the ball. This action will assist in your advance forward. *Remember the power is always in the supporting leg.

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Allyson Lockhart