Thursday, September 11, 2008

Practice Time vs Learning Curve

Be patient with yourself and the time you're putting in. Also, be realistic about this time. I hear over and over, "I've been dancing for 6 months and still don't get certain things." Well, at 1 hour per week at an estimated 26 weeks in the 6 month time, that's really only 26 hours of training; just a little over one whole day (not even a full work week yet).

So, when you start to think of it in terms of..."the sun was shining when I started and now there is snow on the ground." Think again. How many hours of time have you put in and how much time was left in between sessions for the retention value to decrease? Remember the more time in between sessions, the more you'll have to review.

This should shed new light on your dance perspective. Keep it healthy and keep it realistic! Mostly, just try and enjoy the process of learning with the idea in mind that you can only ALWAYS get better which is so very cool.

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Allyson Lockhart