Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Our Eyes To Your Body

For some instructors, teaching dance is just a job. For others, it's a career. However, for many like me, it is far more. It is a passion.

Teaching is not just about dancing or how good we instructors are. It's also about sharing our countless hours of study with someone who is putting their trust in us to teach them well. It's about someone becoming vulnerable enough to try out all of the things that most likely make them feel very uncomfortable right in front of us and trusting us to mold them from there. As an instructor, it is from our eyes to your body which (simply put) is so cool.

We have a vision of what your body can and will do eventually. Trust that your instructor has a vision for you. When they ask you to do something that may feel silly or awkward, there is definitely a reason. As an instructor it is our job to find out how you process information best, how you move and what your goals are. From there we can make it happen.

Remember - from our eyes to your body...it can happen!

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Allyson Lockhart