Monday, December 8, 2008

Just a note

Thank You to all of the wonderful people who spoke or wrote so many healing words to me during such a hard time. Each and every word meant the world to me and my family.

I'm taking the following lessons from this unfortunate loss.

Life falls short for some, so make every moment count because in the end we never really know for certain. If you love, love BIG. If you enjoy ice-cream, eat ice-cream. There is tremendous HONOR in parenthood. If you are a parent, I commend and respect you. If you've always wanted to do something, do it, enjoy it and devour it. Lastly, cherish those that surround you simply because they like you.

- Allyson

I will now get back to blogging!

1 comment:

MK said...

Enjoy and embrace those you care for. Life and Love are all too fleeting! MK

Allyson Lockhart