Thursday, July 7, 2011

Special Event - Athletic Tape Demo

Hi Dancers,

As some of you know, I've been raving about Phiten products and the amazing results I've been feeling along with some of the other dancers of The Dance Lounge. A while ago, a student of mine told me about Phiten and it wasn't until I was desperate to alleviate the pain on the top of my foot (I'm sure you remember) that I was willing to try it out. After a few short hours, I noticed the pain had decreased significantly and I became hooked. Since then, I've been using their products and have felt a world of difference. I'm not trying to sell you anything so please don't get me wrong. I'm just letting you in on what has made my dancing days more enjoyable again.

Therefore, as a special to you dancers a representative from Phiten will be at the studio on Wednesday night at
7:00pm. She will be offering free taping demonstrations for all of the dancers who wish to try it out. She will not be selling anything; however, I believe you'll receive coupons and a starter kit. If you've been having any aches and pains - foot, shoulder, knee, etc., feel free to have her tape it up at your discretion and see if it works for you.

Click on the link below to read about the products. I can't relay the exact benefit...only that it's working for me. I wish all of you a happy and healthy dancing experience at all times.

Phiten Athletic Tape Demo
Representative: Young Sun
Wednesday @ 7:00pm
The Dance Lounge @ South End
No Charge

-- See you on the dance floor!

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Allyson Lockhart