Sunday, April 6, 2008

Hustle Class

Beginning WED - April 16th @ 6:30pm

Although Hustle came out in the Disco era, it's still a very popular dance today with updated movements. Hustle is a GREAT dance to learn for those who want to look and feel like they're dancing quickly. It offers fun turns, stylish movements and comfortable spacing for a crowded floor. It won't take long for you to be moving and grooving!

This class will start with the Hustle basics and then progress to a mini routine by the end of the series. No new enrollments after the 2nd class. You do not need a partner to attend.

Check back here for tips, tricks and routine information. Invite your friends and I'll see you on the dance floor!!!

6 week series - $50 per person or $10 per class.
(classes are 50 minute sessions)

Instructor: Allyson Lockhart

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Allyson Lockhart