Friday, April 11, 2008

Where to go?

The Mayflower offers dancing from 7:00 to 11:00 on Wednesdays. Live band with taped music between sets. 9000 sq ft wooden floor. I've heard this place is pretty fun. Check it out and add your comments below.

Located at 234 Hindry Ave. Inglewood CA.

Take 405 N. to Manchester Blvd. W. to Hindry, about 3 or 4 blocks W. on Manchester. Turn right on Hindry, and it's about 100 yards on the right hand side.

$10.00 cover charge.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Hustle Class

Beginning WED - April 16th @ 6:30pm

Although Hustle came out in the Disco era, it's still a very popular dance today with updated movements. Hustle is a GREAT dance to learn for those who want to look and feel like they're dancing quickly. It offers fun turns, stylish movements and comfortable spacing for a crowded floor. It won't take long for you to be moving and grooving!

This class will start with the Hustle basics and then progress to a mini routine by the end of the series. No new enrollments after the 2nd class. You do not need a partner to attend.

Check back here for tips, tricks and routine information. Invite your friends and I'll see you on the dance floor!!!

6 week series - $50 per person or $10 per class.
(classes are 50 minute sessions)

Instructor: Allyson Lockhart

Allyson Lockhart