Thursday, March 19, 2009

Insight - Heroes

To me, heroes are those who lift others, speak words of kindness or wisdom, promote PEACE and UNITY, laugh at themselves, brave storms, continue to smile, aren't too tough to cry, share their last bite, apologize, enjoy the simple things, truly appreciate the finer things, have the ability to move forward, deflect negativity, wear their heart on their sleeve, know who they are, ask for help, accept guidance or politely decline, treasure their family & friends, are kind to animals, respect Mother Nature, have humble hearts, are honest even when it may hurt, refrain from spite because they know better, educate patiently, seek growth and the strength to do so, accept others, dance like no one is watching, spend time on whatever it is their soul seeks without stepping on others along the way and anyone who can take a day in their life to make a positive impact on the world. Lastly, those who practice tolerance and can remember we are all equally human, designed with incredible facets and faults of perfect design created to make this world go round. - Allyson Lockhart

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Grocery Shopping

*** What's On Your List? ***

Life is like going grocery shopping. Have you ever gone to the grocery store with out any idea of what is was you were going buy? Suddenly you find yourself wandering around the store aimlessly without any idea of what you're really doing there. Having a list creates a clear focus of what needs to be purchased and then it's in and out...done, mission accomplished.

Well, life can be that easy or that hard. Create a list of your life goals. Get focused and start directing all of your decisions with that goal in mind. Soon you'll find many missions accomplished without the struggle of wandering aimlessly about.

This also holds true for your dancing. Set goals & create a list! Shows, competitions and social gatherings are great motivators for getting serious about your dancing.

Sample List - You may submit this directly to me by clicking submit

Beginners Course - March 09


  1. Basic (Diagonal Wall 3x)
  2. 1/4 Turn Left
  3. Zig Zag

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

West Coast Swing - Intermediate

West Coast Swing - Intermediate Level (6 week series)

Hi Dancers,

Thank you for participating in my last West Coast Swing series. I had a blast and hope all of you did as well.

See you on the dance floor!

Beginners Course - March 09

East Coast Swing

  1. Basic - Open
  2. Basic - Closed
  3. Basic - Rotating
  4. Underarm Release
  5. Inside UA Pass
  6. Waist Roll
  7. Overhead Wrap and Arm Slide

Allyson Lockhart