To me, heroes are those who
lift others, speak words of
kindness or
wisdom, promote
UNITY, laugh at themselves, brave storms, continue to
smile, aren't too tough to cry, share their last bite,
apologize, enjoy the simple things,
truly appreciate the finer things, have the ability to move forward, deflect negativity,
wear their heart on their sleeve,
know who they are, ask for help,
accept guidance or
politely decline,
treasure their family & friends, are
kind to animals,
respect Mother Nature, have
humble hearts, are honest even when it may hurt, refrain from spite because they
know better, educate
patiently, seek growth and the strength to do so, accept others,
dance like no one is watching, spend time on whatever it is their
soul seeks without stepping on others along the way and anyone who can take a day in their life to make a
positive impact on the
world. Lastly, those who
practice tolerance and can remember we are all
equally human, designed with incredible facets and faults of perfect design created to make this world go round. -
Allyson Lockhart