Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Beginners - Bolero

All patterns taught in group class will be posted here each week.

Week 1
  1. Basic
  2. Right Side Pass
  3. Basic
  4. New Yorker's w/ pivot turn
  5. Basic
  6. Lady's Curl
  7. Traveling Combination

Friday, October 10, 2008


  1. Zig Zag - forward
  2. Zig Zag - back
  3. Twinkle to Promenade Chasse
  4. Promenade Check
  5. Basic Promenade
  6. Left Rock Turn
  7. Promenade UA turn
  8. Promenade Pivot
  9. Promenade
  10. Swing Step
  11. Forward & Back Twinkles

Don't be a bully

Some people take dance lessons to just enjoy the art of dance and learn how to move their body a particular way. For some, it comes rather naturally. For others, it is often a tool to improve on certain factors in their life and the movements take a great deal of work to process.

Dancing is a sport that requires many things. However, body awareness and confidence definitely rank at the top. It is important to keep this in mind while dancing with someone because any type of criticism could be devastating; especially if they are trying their best. Learn how to be of assistance without making them feel like they've done something wrong. Dancing is a very vulnerable position to be in so one must realize that dancing with a partner is requiring a certain amount of trust. The trust goes beyond lead and follow and extends through how one feels dancing with that partner.

It is not nice to poke fun at a fellow dancer who's goal (obviously) is to do their best.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

For The Leaders Of The World

I can not explain a more wonderful feeling than that of a man who knows how to lead. Am I right ladies? It is truly a feeling like no other. When a man knows just how to embrace a woman with confidence, a secure hold and a toned frame, it is not uncommon for the follow to drift into a sea of happiness. Lets face it. As a woman, we secretly desire to be swept off our feet (not literally).

Have you ever heard a dance partner say "you don't know the power of your own strength" while dancing? That is not usually a compliment. It implies that the lead you've provided is a little to firm or rigid for the lady's comfort. The better your follow is, the less strength she needs. A good follow will want a simple guide, follow through and most importantly a toned (not rigid) frame. You will know it when you see it because suddenly, the lady will dance. You don't have to be the most stylish dancer however, you should strive to become a great lead.

What do I mean by that? Imagine you're holding an egg. What amount of care would you take to secure the egg's safety? What amount of pressure would it take for the egg to crack? It is the same type of connection while dancing.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Fantasy Dancing!

Are you a Dancing With The Stars fanatic? Do you say what the judges say before they even say it? If so, check out this link.

"Play along each week by picking the couple you think will have the judges raving and which couples will leave the judges cold. You'll score points for every correct pick until the final championship couple is crowned, and get the chance to win fun prizes. A new round of game play starts every week, the morning after the results show."

Beginners - Quickstep

Hello Dancers,

Take a peek here each week to review the patterns learned in group class. Practice makes perfect and remember, by the end of the month you will feel more confident dancing everything due to the repetition.

Week 1

  1. Basic - In Line
  2. Forward Check - S, S, S, S, Q, Q, S (dance check portion Outside Partner)
  3. Natural Turn - Outside Partner/In Line

Allyson Lockhart